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About The Book
Make your world a better place for yourself and others with eight key strategies designed to integrate mindfulness into your daily routine and help you develop your strength and power in the world.
The Mindfulness Experience outlines key strategies from yogi, counselor, and life coach Keith Fiveson to help you maintain health and wellness from the inside-out and the outside-in.

Using this guidebook and reference tool, you can develop strength and power in your life – and thus find balance in an unbalanced world as you learn:
- What mind and body practices can help, heal and manage stressful situations
- Which exercises can improve your body and mind, increasing your energy, strength, along with improving mental and emotional resilience
- When to use mindfulness exercises to generate inspiration, meaning, and purpose, to find comfort and strength when things get tough
- Which foods and eating, sleeping, and resting habits impact your emotional well-being, body, mind, and cognitive capabilities
- What changes to the colors, sounds, or elements in your environment can improve your life, and relationships
- How to develop healthy intimate relationships with friends and family, using safe boundaries
- How to maintain a balance between your work and your personal life, so you can focus on areas that generate more physical and mental energy
With the specific guidance found in this mindfulness manual, along with the quick check-in assessments at the end of each chapter, you will become more energized and empowered as you learn how to live a stress-free life.

What’s inside
8 Strategies
Hero's Journey MAP
Practical Techniques
Mindful Tips
Real Life Experiences
Self assessments
Praise for the book
“Written with clarity and a passion earned through his own journey, Fiveson’s book offers an integrated approach that can help anyone on a journey of self-discovery.” –
“The beauty of this book is that it doesn’t matter where you live, what your religious or spiritual beliefs are, or your economic or social status. The guidance provided herein applies to all human beings striving to live a more complete and fulfilling life.”
“In The Mindfulness Experience, executive-life coach and two-time cancer survivor Keith Fiveson delivers a comprehensive guidebook to living a more balanced, sane, and fulfilling life in the face of uncertainty and adversity. Filled with real-world insights, quick tips, actions steps, and much-needed encouragement,
Highly recommend to anyone facing challenges in life and seeking to make meaningful, positive and lasting changes that will affect themselves, others, and the world around them.”
“Keith Fiveson’s highly engaging book The Mindfulness Experience is a must-read for anyone striving for balance, beauty, and good health in their lives and with their family and friends”
Keith’s 8 Strategies can be utilized by anyone to help create a mindfulness state physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I highly recommend it as it will improve your mind, body, relationships, and outlook on the world.”
About the author
Keith W Fiveson
He’s a sixty-eight-year-old Army Veteran, early internet pioneer (AT&T, MCI, BT), turned yogi, meditation teacher and executive life coach. He has studied life in all its challenges. For thirty plus years, his mission has been to help individuals and organizations become more conscious, awake, and alive to life and all its opportunities. His recent book, “The Mindfulness Experience: 8 Strategies to Live Life Now, “ distills the wisdom of the ages into a pragmatic plan to live in the present. As a survivor and thriver, he has built a life of presence, to be aware of every sacred moment of truth. He overcame cancer twice, a heart condition, a broken home, challenging relationships, and a childhood family life that was dysfunctional and abusive.
Keith has traveled extensively, working, and studying, in over forty-five countries worldwide. He is a certified life coach, Thai yoga therapist, and meditation teacher. He has practiced and studied Eastern and Western mindfulness/meditation for over twenty-five years. He has extensive experience in the corporate world, working under extreme pressure and stress with incredible people and companies. He started to cultivate his practice over thirty years ago, using his army training to balance a very hectic corporate career. He has consolidated these experiences, research and knowledge into this book, as a guidebook for others to live a balanced life.
Reach out for a personal one-on one discussion.