Psychedelics and Mindfulness – The Future of Mental Health?
Throughout history, groups, cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions, worldwide, have looked to breathwork and the use of psychedelic plant medicines to heal, grow, and transform the human experience. In this article, we look at the sacredness of the breath, and...
Improve Customer Service – With Mindfulness. 3 Steps to Take
It's no secret that customer experience is very important to businesses. The customer experience can be defined as the totality of a person's perceptions and responses that are associated with an organization or its products, services, employees, and operations....
How Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Human Compassion Interact
This article is about how technology, artificial intelligence (AI), human compassion interact with each other when it comes down to is providing the best possible mindful experience. The future of customer service lies in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Using AI in...
Developing Secure Attachments
In this article, I will summarize attachment theory and how it creates a blueprint for relationships. If you follow the links, you'll learn why people are attracted to certain types of personalities and the pitfalls that come with an unhealthy relationship style (I'm...
Mindfulness: The Role of Mindfulness in Working with People Who Have Insecure Attachments
The role of mindfulness in working with people who have insecure attachments and how it can reduce addictive and compulsive behaviors, or impulsive actions, anger, etc. is important to understand. Mindfulness has been defined as "paying attention on purpose—in the...
How Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Human Compassion Interact
This article is about how technology, artificial intelligence (AI), human compassion interact with each other when it comes down to is providing the best possible mindful experience. The future of customer service lies in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Using AI in...